High waters – photo by Linda Hinchcliffe

THE CURRENT flooding threat may be receding but that has not stopped Hedon Town Council from being pro-active and agreeing to publish a flood Advice Leaflet next year.

The idea was suggested by Councillor Di Storr who said that a basic, ‘easy-to-read’ leaflet would be useful in advising residents where to turn to in times of emergency – such as during flood alerts and exceptional weather-events.

The Advice Leaflet would contain useful contact telephone numbers and official advice from the emergency services and other relevant agencies, and information on self-help in crisis situations. The leaflet would be particularly useful to those residents who have no easy access to the internet.

In addition to the Advice Leaflet Hedon Town Council is seeking to contribute to a scheme devised by the Keyingham and Preston Internal Drainage Boards to dredge local drains and clear out the mouth of Hedon Haven and outfall at Saltend. This will help prevent flooding in Hedon, Preston, Bilton and Burstwick.

Visit: Hedon Town Council


Neil as “Drain Man”

COMMUNITY SPIRIT always comes to the fore in times of alert and emergency. The current flooding risk saw people sharing information and photographs about water levels. Jim Lindop and Linda Hinchcliffe in particular shared photographs with the Hedon Blog which in turn could help residents (especially those at work or not at home) assess any possible risk to their property.

And, as previously reported, local resident Neil Shillito got his welly boots, anorak and torch out and kept checking levels of water in Westlands Drain and involved in reporting an incident to the fire brigade.

For this community action, Neil’s friends affectionately dubbed him Drain Man, The Phantom Drain Watcher and The 4th Emergency Service.

Humour is another very local way that we manage tense times!

Related article: Winter Services – How does the East Riding Council measure up?

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